CSC Interview: Thomas Morstead reflects on the launch of the ‘Punt for ALS’ campaign, his time with the Saints, and his thoughts on the team’s future

CSC Interview: Thomas Morstead reflects on the launch of the ‘Punt for ALS’ campaign, his time with the Saints, and his thoughts on the team’s future
Canal Street Chronicles Canal Street Chronicles

Nic Jennings and New York Jets P Thomas Morstead talk ‘Punt for ALS’ and New Orleans Saints.

Last week, I had the chance to speak with New Orleans Saints legend and current New York Jets punter Thomas Morstead. We discussed the launch of the ‘Punt for ALS campaign’, his reaction to being released after spending over a decade with the Saints, and his thoughts on the upcoming 2024 season.

For every punt that Morstead lands within the 20-yard line, he will donate $1,000 to ‘Punt for ALS’, with a minimum pledge of $10,000 for the season. Steve Gleason inspired his teammates, the city of New Orleans, and football fans around the world with his blocked punt against the rival Atlanta Falcons during the Saints’ return to the Superdome following Hurricane Katrina in 2006, a moment symbolizing hope and resilience for the city of New Orleans and their fans. Despite being diagnosed with ALS in 2011, Steve continues to inspire the ALS community with his relentless “never punt” approach to life. In a lighthearted moment, Thomas surprised Steve by crossing out the “Never” on his “#neverpunt” shirt, saying, “I’ve been waiting 10 years to do this.”

Morstead revealed the campaign to Gleason at the Saints facility this summer, a moment captured in this touching video:

NJ: Steve Gleason’s story has impacted all of the Who Dat Nation, but I’m curious as to how it has specifically shaped your outlook on life and changed your perspective on how to face adversity?

TM: Well, I have known Steve since before he was diagnosed, and I’ve seen him go through his entire transformation over time. He provides perspective, whether it’s what he’s tweeting out or words from his new book “A Life Impossible,” looking in a place of constant change and loss while continuing to have a great attitude. I just think he has been a really bright light for a lot of people. Something that I think about is that no matter how good you have it or how bad you have it, somebody always has it better or worse, and when I think about Steve, I think, “Man, it's probably hard for him to say that some days,” and he continues to decide to keep living. Just very inspirational, and I know if he provides that for me, he provides that for so many other people that have followed along his journey. As far as me deciding to do this, I think the foundational motivation is just as pure as wanting to do something to thank Steve, encourage him, and hopefully inspire him to keep going.

NJ: How much has the league-wide support for ‘Punt for ALS’ meant to you? (Autographed jersey donations from New York Giants P Jamie Gillan, Carolina Panthers P Johnny Hekker, and Washington Commanders P Tress Way)

TM: It’s super cool to have people on other teams supporting it! It means a lot personally. You know, I’ve been doing this for a long time and some of these...