Raiders Owner Mark Davis Publicly Sympathizes With Jon Gruden When Discussing Rebuilding Plan

Raiders Owner Mark Davis Publicly Sympathizes With Jon Gruden When Discussing Rebuilding Plan
BroBible BroBible

When Jon Gruden resigned as the head coach of the Las Vegas Raiders in 2021, NFL Network’s Rich Eisen claimed that his “position was no longer tenable in the National Football League. Period. End of story.” That comment came after several emails from Gruden containing acist, homophobic and misogynistic tropes came to light.

Gruden owned the emails at the time. Although he’s since made several excuses for why he didn’t deserve to be more or less forced out of the league. Recently, Gruden’s name has popped up as a potential candidate to return to the league. And now we know he has at least one prominent supporter: Raiders owner Mark Davis.

Davis and company brought Tom Brady into the ownership fold last year and Brady has since taken a larger role within the organization. Davis says that this is part of larger rebuilding program that he intended to do earlier, however his attempts were kneecapped by Gruden’s son departure.

“Bringing in Tom Brady was bringing in somebody on the football side that I had been lacking having here in the organization,” he told reporters. “Back in I guess it was ’18, with Jon Gruden. He was somebody that I brought in and really expected to be that person on the football side that would bring stability to the organization. He had a 10-year contract and all that, and his head was chopped off. And we were put in a really bad position as an organization.”

That is one put it. You could definitely say that Gruden had his head chopped off. But he also placed his head in a guillotine, a mechanism well-known for chopping off heads. Maybe the method in which Gruden’s emails came to light was a bit nefarious. But it never happens if Gruden never says the emails to begin with.

Everything that happened too Jon Gruden happened because of Jon Gruden. Any other version of the events is just a distortion of history.

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