Will the majority be wrong here? I think so. Peyton Manning isn’t going to lose to his dorky little brother. No way, no how.
A few weeks ago, I wrote about this Kick of Destiny thing and while some fans seem disinterested in this event... I’m all about it. The last thing I want to do on Super Bowl Sunday is watch the NFL crown their post-Tom Brady dynasty. The Kansas City Chiefs will find a way to get the critical bad spots and questionable penalty calls to secure their third-consecutive title. I have zero doubts.
So anyway, now that I’ve sufficiently expressed my angst against the Chiefs and the NFL, let’s talk Manning bros. On paper, I said Eli Manning has the advantage and this survey of NFL fans agreed with that assessment.
HOWEVER, Peyton Manning has the multiple neck surgeries and a stiff posture that could give him the ultimate edge in kicking a football straight as an arrow. Add in the fact that he has older brother status, there is zero chance in my mind that he losses this competition.
With this Kick of Destiny challenge, FanDuel is sponsoring a way for fans to participate and share in some winnings. Given how popular the Eli Manning play is, a Peyton win would likely mean a smaller pool to spread the cheddar among us Denver Broncos fans.
And lastly, Fly Eagles Fly! Destroy the evil empire!