Eagles OTA practice updates

Eagles OTA practice updates
Bleeding Green Nation Bleeding Green Nation

First glimpse at Philadelphia’s roster ahead of the 2024 season.

The Philadelphia Eagles’ OTA practice schedule began earlier this week but today marks the first of five total spring sessions open to the media. The action begins around 12:45 PM Eastern!

It should be noted that these practices are less intense than the ones we’ll see in training camp. Contact is limited since the players aren’t even wearing pads.

Still, we’ll be able to glean some information from watching the Birds in action. BGN previously outlined some of the keys things we’ll be looking out for in practice.

We’ll be tracking all of those things and more for you here at Bleeding Green Nation. Following today’s OTA session, we’ll be posting practice notes here on the site. And if I was allowed to do a podcast for you, which I’m somehow currently not, we would have that for you as well.

Use the list below (click to open in a new window if it the embed doesn’t show up) to stay updated with the latest news and such. You can also follow me directly on Twitter: @BrandonGowton.