Cardinals welcome Coach Deebo to the staff

Cardinals welcome Coach Deebo to the staff
Revenge of the Birds Revenge of the Birds

Hear new defensive line coach Winston DeLattiboudere III talk ball

The Cardinals’ new defensive line coach is already making things simple and easy for his players —- “if you try to call me Coach DeLattiboudere you might pass out —- so just called me Coach Deebo!”

If you want a dose of unfettered enthusiasm for football, family and life in general, Coach Deebo checks every box.

What impressed me among the number of effervescent points Coach Deebo made is how earnest he is about taking his craft to the NFL with the opportunity to pay everything he learns both forward and back to the college coaches and players he worked very diligently with the past few years.

Have to like and appreciate the way he characterizes JG and Nick Rallis in quite different and yet common ways.

If Coach Deebo’s ability to teach and motivate matches his ability to generate excitement, then the Cardinals have added yet another fireball to their staff of young, precocious trailblazers.